12.07.2018 Vortrag Dr. Wei-Tsun Sun, IRT, Toulouse, Frankreich

Dr. Wei-Tsun Sun and Prof. Salcic vor der Präsentationsleinwand redend (v.l.))
Dr. Wei-Tsun Sun and Prof. Salcic (v. l.)

Dr. Wei-Tsun Sun, Institute de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, France, hielt am 12.07.2018 seinen Vortrag „Interference analysis with models for multi-core platform, AURIX TC27x – the case study“ im Rahmen des InvasIC-Seminars.

Abstract: Interferences between cores have to be taken into account when performing timing analysis for multi-copre platforms. This talk presents an approach to carry out interference analysis from available data-sheet(s) of a given platform. A description model is firstly captured from the data-sheet, and then is translated to AADL model. The AADL model is then transform to Prolog predicates. STRANGE, a tool written in Prolog is used to extract structural information from the predicates, and is also able to detect all potential interferences. We use AURIX TC27x as the show-case in this document to demonstrate how the proposed methodology can be applied, which enables the possibilities of being adapted for the other architectures.